Presenting for Newbies
I have to give a presentation! Where do I start?
How do you make sure that your formal message is received in the way it was intended? Ensuring a positive reaction from your listeners both in general communication and in formal public speaking requires planning and patience.
Having a plan can make public speaking fun!
Public speaking is a broad topic so here are 4 simple tips to help you get started and create the confidence you need to succeed!
Photo by Kane Reinholdtsen on Unsplash
Be the expert.
Step 1: Prepare
Research your topic
Study your audience
Gather data
Ask questions
Gather more data
You planned for it.
Step 2: Process
Write down main ideas
Select main points
Add sub-points and supporting material
Create a speaking outline
Make it count.
Step 3: Practice
Read your outline for FLOW
Rehearse outloud
Time yourself
Practice vocal delivery
Confidence is Key.
Step 4: Present
Deliver the content to your audience
Enage your listeners. Give them a reason to pay attention
Take deep breaths and focus on your message
Pause for audience reactions
Respond to questions and answers and feedback
If you do not have an answer, make a plan to follow up.