Why you need an elevator pitch

“Hi there, what is your name? What do you do?”

Does this happen in real life? You bet it does. The words you dread but you know they’re coming. When you hear this question, will you be ready to respond?

It is pretty obvious that how you respond could have a huge impact on this interaction and possibly even your future. Give the person a reason to stop what they’re doing and listen to you. People are busy so do not waste their time. If this person is someone you hope to impress, be energetic and positive about what you bring to the table.

Do you have specific skills to talk about that pertain their industry?

How can you make their life easier, sell more products, increase profits?

Who are you?

What can you offer?

What does your product create?

What YOU can do for THEM is the key.


The purpose of the pitch is to make a connection. If you are greeting your ultimate mentor for the first time or attempting to gather funding for your big idea, getting a second meeting is the best result. Let your personality shine through so that you have their full attention.

There needs to be a strong connection and call to action.

Get them to put your name on their schedule and then, the real selling begins! GO!


My TEDx Experience